Web dev
As a web developer I like to collaborate with people that are into creative uses web technology and that like unconventional designs.
As for frameworks, I usually stick to SvelteKit and Next.js (sometimes Remix), though I'm always curious to test out new stuff. Other than that, I also like using JAMStack and Static Site Generators for certain projects. And sometimes plain old PHP development also has its place in my toolbox.
- Website for the left-wing library and think tank translib {using Next.js + Tailwind + Headless Wordpress} [design by Lena Haubner]
- Portfolio page for Markus Streb {done with Ghost}
- Page for my DIY event crew Income Tax Refund {done with Hugo and Netlify CMS}
- pracht-ev.net in collaboration with Jonas Holfeld and Judith Crasser {done with Kirby}
- Refurbishing the frontend of local DIY online TV Station Hitness Club and implementing a user-friendly CMS together with the team. {SvelteKit + Tailwind + Directus CMS}
- Rebuilding the Sphere Radio website, enhancing the browsing experience via single page app strategies and server-side rendering. {Next.js + MUI + Headless Wordpress}
- Implementing new frontend for Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V. ENS, designed by e.emitu {Remix + Headless Wordpress}