Here’s an expanding list of Max/MSP and Max4Live patches that I have discovered, used, or just thought seemed worth checking out. Lots of interesting DSP, algorithmic composition and sample manipulation stuff.
- Argot
- Bangor Audio Toolkit
- Bitters / Onebit
- CircuitMusicLabs’ Petra
- flin
- grainstretch~
- Granular Mirror Maze
- guttersynthesis
- Husserl2 by Ernest Leonardo Meyer (website currently unavailable, so here’s a backup)
- Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie’s patches
- karma~ (by Rodrigo Constanzo)
- Katsuhiro Chiba’s patches
- [Live Stream Frag Granulator](../static/Max_patches/Live Stream Frag
- lode (by
- mlooch
- monohad
- Mutable Instruments Max port (by vboehm)
- Nobuyasu Sakonda’s patches
- oual_qroccss
- Phonogene 1.2 by TristanShepherd
- ppooll✨✨✨
- samplebrain (by Richard D. James and Dave Griffiths) for Max
- Soundhack Max/MSP Externals
- spleeter for max (native version)
- synthcore (gen~ DSP Library) (by Ernest Leonardo Meyer)
- The Party Van (!!!) (by Rodrigo Constanzo)
- Tom Cosm - External Resampler 1.0
- Tom Hall’s patches
- Upshot
- -re:mix- (realtime sampling, slicing and re-sequencing)
- Audiobulb’s M4L-BULBS
- Benjamin Van Esser’s M4L devices
- CHAOS // ORDER - Firefly synchronizer
- Dirge
- DJBB Loopmaker
- Opal ($) & Pluck
- granolatech-M4L
- K-Devices Max For Live ($)
- k-teck devices ($)
- ($)
- Lo and Sent by L N F D
- MIDI UTILITIES by Mono Tale ($)
- Modulation Lerp
- Monolasem4l
- PolyMind
- proc—c
- prosody collection (by andr-ew)
- Stepic ($)
- swirlytape
- VIZZable-2
other stuff
- .dsp/archive by elinsound
- “To find related tech like CataRT, bbcut2, eargram and sCrAmBlEd?HaCkZ! search up granular synthesis, concatenative synthesis, neural audio synthesis, sinewave speech, automated breakbeat cutting, audio mosaicing and plunderphonics/plundermatics.” (quote: aeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiou)
- Studio Selections: Rian Treanor
- OvalDNA Player for Windows by Markus Popp, Frieda Luczak and Barry Threw (- actually not Max/MSP-related, but still want to stash it here, as it’s kind of heard to get your hands on it)