This is a list and collection of interesting patches for the Axoloti instrument, which seems to be slowly dying as a project, unfortunately. At the moment of writing this, the community forum is giving me a Bad Gateway error and the project seems to be kind of abandoned by its creator. Though there was a handful of people still active in the forum. Maybe the forum, which was also a place for sharing patches, will be back soon. But just in case, here’s some great patches I salvaged from there:

And here’s some patches I found elsewhere:

And of course, the objects from the Axoloti Community Library are great in themselves. They’re in the respective axoloti Github repo.

The Axoloti really is a great platform and probably the most affordable soundboard for creating your own instruments and devices. The patcher is quite intuitive and easy to learn. With little effort you could build practical devices, intricate instruments etc. Much like you can do with the monome norns or the Zynthian, but at a fraction of the price (though the Axoloti allows for not as complex patches as does the norns for example).


There’s an initiative now in the llllllll forum to back up the Axoloti forum. There’s also a recreation of the Axoloti based on modularity called Ksoloti (Core), which is also discussed in the llllllll forum and in a thread on modwiggler.